Charlotte Girl

Living in suburbia everyday...

Saturday, June 30, 2007

A Moment of Hillarity Found while reading the news online

This is a website dedicated to baby names and the crazy things people come up with. I love the snide remarks. :-)


Thursday, June 28, 2007

The end of the road- does he have it figured out?? As referenced on HPANA- Keith Olbermann's predicitions to the end of HP...I think it would be cool- goosepimples already...


Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Feel free to give it a try


Saturday, June 23, 2007

The Gutter Pipe Story

So I was home one day almost a couple months ago and had by back door open but the screen door closed. A thunderstorm came up and while it was raining, I noticed that water was flooding in over the screen door. So the next time I was at the complex office, I let them know that I thought my gutter needed to be cleaned. And then I didn't think of it anymore...

Until about a month later, as I was potting more plants and herbs on my back porch, I noted a foul smell. I looked around to make sure little doggies hadn't left any presents anywhere and there were none. Then I noted the gutter- there is a downspout that has a small elbow draining ( theoretically) onto my porch. The bottom looked stopped up with leaves. So I got a stick and dug around and found that the downspout really was quite full- not just the elbow. So I sent in an email request.

Three days later... we had major thunderstorms and yet again, I was home and the back porch door became a water fall. This time I called up to the office and they said they would send someone out after it quit raining. So about 45 mins later, the maintenance man came to investigate. He decided he didn't want to cut the elbow even though he knew the downspout was occluded at least a foot up the straight part. Because it had just rained, the downspout was full all the way up to the top ( two stories) and was leaking out the top elbow. So he decided to get a plumber's snake and try to pull out the blockage. The snake proceeded to get stuck in the blockage. The downspout came loose from the top elbow, and the bottom elbow got totally trashed as he tried to get the snake loose. After much pulling, finally all the dead debris came loose as did a whoose of water and now my downspout works again. The maintenance man thought it probably had been blocked for some time. My porch still looks a wreck, but the maintenance peeps are supposedly coming back in the next few days to hose it off for me.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

In case you were really wondering... And then...maybe not.


Monday, June 18, 2007

Interesting Article I found while cruising on facebook

This is an author for Liberty University's campus paper. He had his own column called "thoughts outside the bubble". This article amazingly was not allowed to be published in the campus paper, but it is an interesting look at Christian subculture and how others view it.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Yeah for the Rain

Finally we have gotten some rain yesterday and now today!! We so need it here as we have been on water restrictions. I am actually glad to be home enjoying the rainy day!! The dogs remain ambivolent to it. :-)

Friday, June 8, 2007

Weary Daze

So one would not think that working 9-930 would be so tiring. I, for one, find 530 am to be a very difficult time to get up- which is why I usually only do it on work days requiring it. So it would seem that getting up at 700 and leaving by 810 would be spiffy. Well, folks, it is not. For one thing, I wake up before I really have to get up because I am worried I won't get up for some reason and because it is starting to get light at this time of day, whereas at 530 it is still fairly dark no matter what time of year it is. And then there is the whole eating schedule. I eat breakfast at 730 and by lunch time I am hungry, but then supper is so sketch. I actually bought a sandwhich and ate it at work at 900 pm. That was so I could drive home and not be low in sugar. The other thing about this whole situation is that some of my lovely coworkers fiddle-dee-dee their last hour of work instead of helping to clean and pick up what they can which means that the closers have to take care of the patients and do all the cleaning. To tell you the truth- while cleaning is nice- I do not usually do major cleaning at 8pm. That is just not my idea of fun. So here's to my week of closing- see ya next whenever cuz I'm not missing you now, baby!!

Monday, June 4, 2007

Rainy days and Saturday baths

So on Saturday, I was gone most of the day. When I got home in the evening, my doggies wanted to play outside on the porch even though it was drizzling thanks to that tropical storm. So I let them play outside for awhile and when they came in, they were stinky. So I decided to launch off into bath time. Piper is really no problem but she is a little bean. Annabelle is strong for her 32 lbs, especially in a bath tub trying to jump out. Basically I have to catch her first and then shut ourselves in the bathroom and then try to keep her in the tub while bathing her at the same time. I bathed her first and dried her as best I could and let her out. Piper didn't take too long to bathe although she seems to like showers better than baths. When I got done with Piper, I started looking for Annabelle. I was afraid she was down sitting on the couch all wet. But she wasn't in the living room. I was calling her name...and not a sound. I found her pouting in her kennel from which she would not come out. Piper, meanwhile, ran around the house like a little crazy dog. :-)

Friday, June 1, 2007

This week in review

So this week was busy enough. I am almost through season 2 of LOST- hee hee. I worked Tuesday thru Thursday, except that on Thursday I went home early beacuse I had a migraine. Yesterday my grandfather had major surgery which lasted all afternoon. He is recouperating well so far, but will be in the hospital for about a week. The doctors were afraid that he had had a heart attack during the surgery, but after tests, etc, today the cardiologist said no. So that is good news. I went to the dentist today to get impressions made for a spring retainer- the aftermath of the whole tooth abscess/root canal problem of last fall. Fun, fun. Tomorrow I am off to Huntersville to get my hair highlighted.