Charlotte Girl

Living in suburbia everyday...

Thursday, April 10, 2008

thanks to Kelley

I got tagged.

So 7 weird and random things about me:

1)My one thing that I totally can't stand is SNOT. I can deal with blood, guts, brain matter, and just about anything else, but snot just sends me over the edge. I used to be an ICU RN and I always hated trached and vented patients with copious secretions.

2)I rescued my first dog Annabelle on the day that she got groomed so someone would adopt her ( or else she was going to be put to sleep). She is a great dog, and I am so glad I rescued her. Piper was found by my dad at a gas station. She was in a box with her two brothers at 530 am with a blanket and a piece of ham ( that none of them could eat).

3)On to the random- I totally enjoy picking on Missouri for their strange road naming system. X to the Q. WW to Y. Each county gets to name a road a different letter or letters so it is totally messed up there. What is wrong with numbers, people!

4) I read Anna Karinina last year for the fun of it. It was a good read.

5) I am a travelling NP. Every day I am at a different plant. It is kind of fun to not be in the same place all the time and a lot less boring.

6) I woke up during my foot surgery, thinking at first that I was at home and that my dad was working on our basement. However, I was wrong as it was a drill that the surgeon was using. I didn't wake up during the second surgery I had on the same foot- the first surgery was definitely better.

7)One of my ancestors Rebecca Blake Eames was tried and convicted at the Salem Witch trials. She was later exonerated. You can find a transcript of the trial online.

I tag:Katherine

Monday, April 7, 2008

Flying Solo

So after much blood, sweat, and many tears ( and a few years), I am finally off and on my own at my little clinics! Today I saw about 16 people between my two clinics. It was busy but also flew by- amazingly as I am once again dealing with swollen, infected tonsils. :-( My supervising MD had pity on me and my lack of great insurance at the moment and gave me samples, saving me probably 100 bucks. I plan on going to an ENT in June once my SC insurance is in place. Fun times there!

I talked to a realtor that several of my friends here know and got some good advice on the house buying adventure. I am probably going to start looking for one around the end of May. I am so ready to be done with apartment living. I hate it that my dogs can't run free in the yard. I also am really tired of my neighbor who persists in letting out her dog off leash and with no one around. Yes, there is a leash law here and yes, I have complained 4-5 times now. Even our courtesy officer has talked to her more than once.

Tomorrow nite I am off to Spamalot with my Peace Center friend Sara for free! Yay for comp tickets!! I have enjoyed everything I have been to with her so far- Bobby McFarin and a Russian ballet- the Lady and the Hooligan. I also was able to go to a musical yesterday directed by a college friend. Everyone did such a wonderful job and it was hilarious!

The dogs are doing well. Piper has enjoyed playing with her little boyfriend Hugo the Westie. Berkley came by and stayed for the weekend while my sister and her husband went to visit his parents. She is coming back for an encore visit on Thursday as Kari and Jason go to Alabama for the weekend.

Coming up: I have ACLS this Sat because I am going to keep it up like the insane person that I am. The next Sat brings me back to Charlotte and the Cricket Arena to go see the musical Wicked. The Sat after that- Kari and I fly to Seattle for a whirlwind trip for a friend's wedding. I am sure we will be getting some authentic Seattle Starbucks. I am sure we will need it!!!