Charlotte Girl

Living in suburbia everyday...

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Quick Update

So I have not gotten much updating done on here! October was a very stressful, busy month for me. I am now moved into my new house ( thanks a bunch to those who helped me out!!) and now have finished the first week of my new job at Minute Clinic. The dogs are loving the new place and the yard!!! They also have discovered the joys of sunshine thru the windows on the carpet- I now find them in certain rooms of the house sleeping in the sunshine. Landscaping: I have planted some pansies- more of them would look better if I had planted them as soon as I got them and if the dogs didn't run over a certain poor plant that probably won't make it. Unpacking: um, yeah, we are still working on that but most of it is done!!!! I have enjoyed baking and cooking so much more in my new kitchen- I actually have room to move in this one unlike my apt kitchen.

As far as my job, my last week at my old one was the last week of October. I don't miss the driving or all the car repairs that 300-500 miles a week cost me- a radiator the week I closed on the house and then all new tires last Sat. I decided to take a local job with Minute Clinic- feel free to puruse their website about the services offered- kind of spiffy! I will be three days a week and back to 12 hr shifts which I love and miss- mostly due to the days off, hee hee. I do have to work some weekends but it is a 6 hr day then and it is not super frequent. Sometime next year, a clinic will be opening that is about 7 min from my new house. Another girl and I ( we both started this week) have first dibs on transfering there. So all of this is a huge blessing and stress reliever- especially for those who are here and have heard me suffering around all summer. :-D

My sister is now 27 weeks pregnant. I almost have all my knitted projects done in time for one of her showers this month. ( A perk of 3 days a week- I will get to go see my neice more when she is born!) Please keep her in your prayers if you think of her as she has diabetes. She has done super well considering and we hope all will continue to be well.

I will try to post some new pics soon and maybe Kelley will be able to help me get my page updated with a new template sometime. :-)