Charlotte Girl

Living in suburbia everyday...

Saturday, December 8, 2007


So since coming back from Alabama, things have been busy. I worked several days in a row and then tried to recover my house from all the comings and goings and workings. :-) We kept Berkley while Kari and Jason were on their honeymoon. Piper was very sad to see her little friend go back to live with mom and dad when they got home. I think Berkley was glad for the break, though. I found out on Monday that someone I had stayed with on the way back from Alabama had family that may or may not be sick with whooping cough. I wasn't sick, but I was concerned about getting sick because of the transplant patients I work around. So after talking to Employee Health at the hospital and the health dept, I got revaccinated with the DTaP- I was due for a tetanus as well- and went on prophylactic antibiotics. I never did get sick, but vaccines like that just wipe me out. I slept for 13 hrs after getting that shot!!! Hopefully, no one around here will pop up with it, because I will be the first person called!

Yesterday and today Jason and Kari moved into a larger apartment. One of Jason's friends came down to help him out with the moving of the furniture (aren't we glad as Kari and I would be dicey at best on the couch toting!). I was able to help some with the moving and cleaning.

Annabelle started her first class of the intermediate level today. I think it is going to be a fun class. Annabelle is the old fogey of 3 yrs old. Everyone else is a puppy of 4-9 months. There are 3 other retrievers in the class as well as two huskie mixes ( they are brother and sister). The huskies are adorable and only about 1/3 the size they will be full grown. They are entering their "teenaged" stage and are really stubborn. I guess I really haven't been around any so I didn't realize how much work someone does to train those dogs for sledding, etc. Anyway, I think it will all be fun. Annabelle started out a little rusty, but she caught on. We just need her to change "stay" into "wait" and have her stay sitting instead of lying down. She just wants to lie down every time. She will miss next week's class, but I did find out what else we are supposed to be working on.

Friday I am flying home for a quick weekend of Christmas with the family in Alabama. I fly out early Friday and go through Memphis. I come back Monday afternoon. Because of going home, I am all done with my Christmas shopping. Yay!